portrait of nathan fredericks

Hello! My name's Nathan.  I'm a Computer Science student at Acadia University. I'm passionate about building quality software that can make an impact.


  • Engineering Co-op

    Certn | Remote | April 2024 - Present

    • Designed and implemented Slack notifications for an internal support tool, leading to improved support response time.
    • Employ test frameworks to conduct comprehensive code testing and pinpoint issues.
    • Work collaboratively in an agile setting, joining team sprints and taking part in daily stand-up meetings.
    • Effectively communicate with team members in a remote-first environment.
  • Resident Assistant

    Acadia University | Wolfville, NS | August 2023 - April 2024

    • Managed a community of over 70 students in on-campus housing, ensuring a safe and welcoming environment.
    • Planned and organized social events to foster connections among residents and build community spirit.
    • Managed the residence social media pages, communicating with residents in new ways.
    • Promptly addressed incidents to ensure the safety and security of my residence and documented them quickly.
    • Offered a supportive environment for residents to seek guidance for their academic and personal needs.
  • STEAM Mentor

    Brilliant Labs | Remote | June 2023 - March 2024

    • Collaborated remotely with peers to develop educational activities for youth, with a focus on the UN Sustainable Development Goals.
    • Partnered with local communities to deliver weekly programming for youth of all ages.
    • Supported youth in learning about STEAM though hands-on activities and interactive learning experiences.
  • Teaching Assistant

    Acadia University | Wolfville, NS | September 2023 - December 2023

    • Assisted in teaching Computer Programming 1 lab.
    • Graded over 100 assignments biweekly and provide impactful feedback on submissions.
    • Implemented plagiarism detection software into the grading workflow, resulting in an 100% increase of reported incidents in plagiarism.


Primary Programming Languages

Python, Java, HTML, CSS, JavaScript.

Secondary Programming Languages

Swift, SQL, PHP, C.

Cloud Providers

Amazon Web Services (Backup, CloudFront, DynamoDB, EC2, Lambda, Route 53, S3, SES, SNS), Firebase (Firestore, Realtime Database, Cloud Functions, Authentication, Hosting, Cloud Storage).


NextJS, React, Django, Express, SwiftUI.


Docker, Git, Visual Studio Code, InteliJ, Firefox Developer Tools, Package Managers (NPM, pip).


RESTful APIs, Serverless, Object Oriented Programming, LAMP Stack.

Soft Skills

Leadership, Communication, Teamwork, Team-building, Conflict Resolution.


  • Bachelor of Applied Computer Science

    Acadia University | Wolfville, NS | September 2022 - May 2026

    • Activities and societies: Acadia Farm, Acadia Residence Life, Acadia Computer Science Society, Community Outreach General Member.
    • Volunteer experience: Acadia Robotics, FIRST LEGO League.
    • Relevant coursework: Computer Programing (Python, Java, C), Software Engineering, Data Structures and Algorithms, Computer Architecture, Matrix Algebra, Discrete Mathematics, Statistics, Full-Stack Cloud Computing.


Send me an email at [email protected] and I will get back to you as soon as possible.